Great review of CASH on Cinemablend.com and the acting talents of stars Sean Bean and Chris Hemsworth:
Sean Bean has been playing killer bad guys for years, with little or no credit for it. He was the most unsung part of Fellowship of the Ring, but that movie doesn’t work without what he brought to the deeply twisted, conflicted character of Boromir. He’s the biggest reason why it’s the best of the three. What I’m getting at here is that Sean Bean is a badass actor, one you can’t really have too much of. So good news, the new movie CA$H has two of him.
Also involved is the most unsung part of Star Trek
Chris Hemsworth, the guy who made half the planet tear up in under five minutes of action as he sent his ship on a suicide mission to save his wife and newly born son. Together they may make something special happen.
To read the entire review: