Today, April 17th, we celebrate his 50th birthday and his stellar career spanning every medium, from theatre to radio, from television to film.
We thank him for sharing his talent with his fans, amazing us with playing such varied roles as the impassioned Mellors in Lady Chatterley, the heroic Richard Sharpe in the beloved Sharpe Series, and the fallible Boromir in The Lord of the Rings.
Through him we’ve modeled for a great Master, taken on the French, been driven by jealousy, lost a brother, sworn vengeance, plotted and schemed, scored a goal, loved like no other, suffered capture and torture, defended the people, sworn our allegiance, grieved for a child, fought with mythic grandeur, gone into the mind of a madman, plumbed the depths of evil, lived by our wits in the sand and the snow, slain our enemies and died a thousand deaths -- and still the journey has not ended.
We congratulate him on his critically acclaimed role of corrupt real estate developer John Dawson in the 2009 David Peace drama series The Red Riding Trilogy on UK’s Channel 4.
His next role in CA$H has us eager with anticipation, and we expect he will receive the attention he deserves.
Sean, may all your dreams come true, for you have been true to yourself and the result has been everyone’s gain. On behalf of all your fans, with affection and admiration.
Happy Birthday Sean!
Traci Moore/Myriam Lechuga
Traci Moore/Myriam Lechuga
That´s wonderfully written. I hope Sean will read this someday.