Mike Starr, Naveen Chathappuram, Greg Fawcett
The world premiere of CASH in Las Vegas on March 25th was a beautiful, star-filled night both inside and out the gorgeous Palms Casino Resort. We arrived and saw everyone setting up for the big event. Photographers were everywhere, a myriad of lights were set up and of course the staging area was set for the stars of the long awaited Sean Bean film, CASH!
Everyone jostled into place as the stars and the hard working people behind the scenes of CASH trooped in front of the press to take their place in the limelight to celebrate their achievement of bringing the independent film CASH to the cinematic screen at long last!
Unfortunately, Sean Bean could not be there for reasons of current commitments, he was in the midst of two films, The Lost Future and the prequel to Death Race 2000 in South Africa, and flying to the Ukraine for more filming, and could not break away from his schedule but sent his sincere regrets at not being able to be there for this very special film. Co-star Chris Hemsworth could not be there as well, as he was also on location in New Mexico filming Thor with director Kenneth Brannagh.
Stephen Milburn Anderson
First up was the director of CASH, Stephen Milburn Anderson. This iconoclastic director looked very dapper as he posed for the cameras, managing to look modest yet proud in bringing his creation to the cinema without the aid of a major studio. No mean feat for anyone in the entertainment industry in these days and times.
L to R, Stephen Milburn Anderson, Victoria Profeta,
Mike Starr, Naveen Chathappuram
A stunning Victoria Profeta stepped up to the carpet, looking gorgeous in a beautiful Temperley dress. Then came Mike Starr, a very gifted character actor that we all know from countless films including Goodfellas and who shares a memorable scene with Sean. He was affable and talkative, fielding questions and comments alike. Next, Greg Fawcett who plays the news anchor in CASH showed a charm and zaniness in front of cameras, fans, and his entourage as he strutted his stuff on the red carpet as well. You could tell this group of people really love their work!
L to R, Prema Thekkek, Nithya Madhavan, Azeeza Desai,
Naveen Chathappuram, Zeenat Desai, Chelses Venkadathu.
Then the hard working crew from behind the scenes made their appearance. The film’s producer Naveen Chathappuram arrived with his beautiful wife, Priya, followed by the film’s Executive producer, Prema Thekkek and husband and actor, Antony Thekkek, who also plays a part in CASH. We were then greeted by the marketing team of CASH: the Director of Marketing, Azeeza Desai, Director of Media, Zeenat Desai, Digital Arts Coordinator Nithya Madhavan, and Documentary Editor and Creative Director, Chelses Venkadathu.
L, Priya Chathappuram, R, Naveen Chathappuram
L to R, Azeeza Desai, Naveen Chathappuram, Zeenat Desai
Now it was time to take our seats in the theater to finally, FINALLY see the long awaited screening of Sean Bean’s latest film CASH! But first…a few words from its glorious sponsors. Stephen spoke and emphasized to the audience that CASH was a truly independent film. He explained that though many independent films may get made and some may be good and some may be bad getting this film actually made and into the cinema at last was the true measure of success for any film and he was greeted with a great round of applause. Naveen then came up and made a very humble and sincere speech about how it took more than seven years to get to the point we were all at this evening, showing this film a movie theater screen. He thanked everyone and said he couldn’t have done it without the help of all those involved.
Executive producer Prema Thekken came up and talked about what a great experience it had been to work on her first American film and how wonderful the entire team had been. She was followed by her husband and fellow producer and actor Antony Thekken. Antony explained that he was a very well known actor in India and when he read the script an performed his part in the film he thought he had a serious dramatic role. Imagine his surprise when he saw the film and realized that under Stephen’s expert direction he had one of the most comedic roles in CASH. The audience broke out in laughter along with Antony.
We were all getting restless to find out about CASH for ourselves! Then the lights went down, the film started and the long awaited credits for CASH began to roll…
Coming Up Next — Our Review!!!

L to R, Traci Moore (Cash the Film Fan Blog) Serna, Melise Leech (Sean Bean Online)
Myriam Lechuga (Cash the Film Fan Blog) Sable Crow (Sean Bean Online)
Wow! This is a wonderful review of the Red Carpet Premiere of CASH in Las Vegas. It was entertaining to see pics of all the beautiful people involved in both making and promoting this film. It looks like the premiere was an enjoyable and memorable event. What an honor for your team to be invited to attend... a well-deserved honor, for sure. Thanks for all the gorgeous pics... The movie looks great, I can't wait to see it!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a glamourous evening, judging by the photos - thanks ladies! It's so seldom we get to see the crew inolved with the production. Pity Sean & Chris couldn't be there, but I'm sure seeing them on the Big Screen was some consolation. Can't wait to see it myself when it's released here in Europe. I hope the Champagne was chilled enough for everyone!